Hutt St Centre

The challenge

For decades, Hutt St Centre has adapted to the needs of people experiencing homelessness around Adelaide and helped thousands of people take their first steps towards permanent accommodation. We partnered with them to launch their first ever major donor campaign. The goal was funding a new Multi-Purpose Centre for the changing needs of those they care for.

Our approach

We applied our proven 5-step approach with a focus on building a strong case for support which was detailed and visual. Our strategy drew on Hutt St Centre’s strong relationships with supporters and corporate partners, and included the creation of a ‘recognition wall’, sneak previews of the worksite during the building phase, regular progress updates and official opening celebrations to honour and thank anyone making a major donation.

The result

  • We helped reach their ambitious fundraising goal of $845,000
  • Our campaign met key building timelines and led to project completion.

Our client

Hutt St Centre serves to end homelessness for every person who walks through their doors. As the face of homelessness changes, they’re always adapting to meet the needs of anyone who needs their help.


While taking on a new challenge can feel like a risk, the team at Hutt St Centre has been delighted to see the benefits of investing in a new approach and look forward to more success in the future.

Hutt St Centre booklet