The challenge
Cancer Council NSW asked Donor Republic for help to create a fresh strategy for their Gifts in Wills program — to develop a memorable and compelling proposition that would appeal to and engage their donors in a personal and meaningful way.
Our approach
We developed a five-year strategy to unleash more of the latent potential in Cancer Council’s Gifts in Wills program. An inspiring proposition based on the concept ‘Imagine That!’ put the donor at the heart of the messaging, inviting them to consider the many powerful ways their gift could contribute to a cancer free future. We leveraged social media to either sow the seed of the idea, further their consideration or continue to affirm their decision.
The results
The program has had a great first year:
- Social media campaign takes prospects through a funnel covering interest, desire and conversion
- The powerful yet flexible ‘Imagine That!’ proposition allows personalisation for different audiences and scenarios
- Over 600 leads at a record low cost per lead for GIW
- 25 new immediate GIW conversions
Our client
Cancer Council is Australia’s leading cancer charity, and the only Australian charity working across every aspect of every cancer, from research to prevention and support.
A strong proposition that reminds the donor how they’re contributing to the solution creates relevance and can deliver outstanding benefits in cost per lead. We’re excited to see the ongoing results after its first year. Check in with us for updates and learnings!